Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"s" is for SUPER (lots of pics)

Super: excellent

This past Friday (May 20) was my 28th birthday!
(Gosh - I am getting old) 

I had a SUPER birthday weekend!!!

I spent time with my friend Sarah earlier in the day, we went on
a 6 mile walk. Then, I spent the rest of Friday with my family.
We went to dinner at Olive Garden! yummy

I went out with friends on Saturday night!!! 
Mike's mom was not feeling well, so Mike stayed home with
the kids so I could get out! (such a sweetheart)

Here is my birthday weekend recap:

-playin in the sunshine-

-at the end of a 6mi walk-

-kaleb's last soccer game-

-night out with friends-
tara's fiance josh (our driver)    

bathroom shot 
best friends

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Bday!

    Love your blog!
    Hiya! Newest follower – found ya via Mom Blog Monday Hop-- please stop by and say hello! Would love if ya followed back!
    The Purple Goddess
